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Our Maternal Health program  is facilitated through "Mentor A Teen Mom Program "

Teenage Pregnancy & Parenting Program: For Teen Mothers 

Offers comprehensive case management and counseling referral services to pregnant teens through the home and school visitation, service coordination, and parenting education until the first year of the babies’ birth. Parents as Teachers (PAT) also offers several events, workshops, and outings throughout the year for young mothers and their children. 


Health and Behavior Intervention provides referrals for counseling and emotional support.

Childbirth Education is a series of classes to help pregnant women and their support person to understand the changes experienced during pregnancy, to prepare for the labor and delivery experience, and to understand the postpartum period.


Home Visits for you and your baby are conducted by qualified staff and include referrals to other programs like nutrition and dietary evaluation, dental care, counseling, and family planning.

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