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Wrap-Around (WA) SERVICES

Wrap-Around (WA) services provide much-needed support to families in crisis and to vulnerable children who are in unsafe environments or circumstances. WA services are intended to promote safe and stable families as well as facilitate early reunification and/or permanency for children in care. As children enter care, the need for WA services are determined as part of the CCFA. Some WA services include:

  • Parent Aide: The Parent Aide program serves to stabilize families in need of intervention by providing in-home and group parenting education through referral to community-based resources utilizing para-professional family support and prevention. The Parent Aide program is available to any family with an open Family Preservation, Permanency, or Adoption Child Welfare case. These services are not designed to address issues that require clinical intervention. 

  • Early Intervention: The Early Intervention Program provides preventive support services to families that have some indicators of problematic family functioning which are not significant enough for Child Protective Services intervention or for families with a low assessed future risk of maltreatment. Early Intervention is a short-term program that engages para-professional staff to provide parenting education and support to families through group classes and in-home visitation.

How To Refer

Request an Update on an Insurance Funded Mental Health + Substance Use Referral Request an Update on a DFCS Funded Support Services Referral

To make a referral, simply email or call our Referral Specialist.

Email: | Phone: 706-279-0405

DFCS Services

Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS) Services:

Family Ties is a Licensed Provider approved to provide all services under the Comprehensive Child and Family Assessment (CCFA) program, including family assessments, wrap around services and adolescent assessments. Family Ties, Inc. assists families in the skill and resource development necessary to safely maintain children in their home.

Vision for Family Preservation Services:

Family Ties, Inc. will assist families in the skill and resource development necessary to safely maintain children in their home. Our philosophy is that each family has the ability to address any situation they may face. We believe that with proper support, education and encouragement, families can establish goals and values that guide them in their development. We believe that values drive action and growth toward true behavioral change. We believe the best place for this growth is within the home and with the support of community resources.


Wrap-Around (WA) services provide much-needed support to families in crisis and to vulnerable children who are in unsafe environments or circumstances. WA services are intended to promote safe and stable families as well as facilitate early reunification and/or permanency for children in care. As children enter care, the need for WA services are determined as part of the CCFA.

CPS and Ongoing Services

Brief Intervention (551); Parent Aide (573)

Brief Intervention/Diversion – Provides short term (10 hours) in-home parenting training and other brief intervention services to address immediate problems, for families where there is little or no safety risk to the child.

Parent Aide Services (In home case-management):  Services to provide case management assistance to families in completing the defined goals and steps of their Case Plan. Services may include coordinating community resources, coordinating/ supervising visitation, and drug screens 

Wraparound (518)

In-Home Case Management Clinical: Provides clinical services to assist children and families in meeting the defined permanency goals (i.e., reunification, adoption, custody to relative, guardianship) and steps as outlined in the case plan.

In-Home Case Management Paraprofessional: Provides case management assistance to families in completing the goals and steps of their Case Plan.

In-Home Intensive Clinical/Therapeutic: Therapeutic and/or Clinical services: For a family in preparation for the safe return of a child, and/or to maintain and stabilize a child’s current placement.

Early Intervention 

Repairing the Bonds:  Adolescent crisis program in Dekalb County, designed to prevent adolescents from coming into care and reunifying adolescents with their families.  Services include individual and Family counseling and groups.

lark Counseling & Consulting, Inc. employs individuals to provide a variety of DFCS contracted services to youth, adults, and families involved with or in DFCS custody. Servicing Regions 5, 13, and 14, contracted services are provided in the home or community   

WRAP Services

Wrap Around services are comprehensive home-based mental health treatment and case management services used to support children placed in DFCS foster homes, reunited with birth families, or placed with relative caregivers who receive a Relative Support subsidy.

Wrap-Around Services may include:

  • Monitoring placements for safety and stability

  • Therapy and/or counseling for child and/or family

  • Anger, Conflict, Budgeting, and other skills training

  • Basic Behavioral Management for family

  • Parent Aide services and/or parenting classes

  • Coordinating and/or facilitating family team meetings

  • Supervision of Visitation or Children in Custody

  • Transportation

Early Intervention

Early Intervention is designed to provide Community-Based Prevention and Early Intervention activities to build on and increase the strength and stability of families, increase parent confidence and competence in their parenting abilities and enhance family functioning to prevent child abuse and neglect.

Early Intervention Services may include:

  • Home Visits

  • Behavioral Modification Management

  • Budgeting Skills

  • Communication Skills

  • Environmental Safety

  • Parenting Skill Building

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